Welcome to Bristol Greenbank bowling club

Dating back over 85 years, you will find our bowls club situated in Greenbank (off Gordon Road) Bristol, nestled between houses next to the City Academy Sports Centre.
We are a mixed club which encourages diversity and fun, where you will receive a warm welcome- we have a range of excellent facilities including a car park, relaxing outdoor bowling green, bar, kitchen, and changing facilities.
We play bowls at fun and competive levels, or you can enjoy a relaxing roll-up with other members when it suits you.
Greenbank also hold various 'Social-Events', which are very well attended, great fun and a good way to make new friends as well.
Whether you are new to bowls or even new to the area, we welcome everyone to our club; we have a Tuesday evening roll-up every week (during the bowls season) starting at 6pm, for anyone to try-out bowls or just for practice.
Anyone wanting to join our club please call Graham Godfrey on 0117 9657822 to arrange a visit to the club to view the facilities and discuss any questions you may have. You may also contact Graham via email at godfrey527@btinternet.com.

Directions to Bristol Greenbank Bowls Club
Proceed along Gordon Road
Enter the Access Road off of the B4469 (Gordon Road)
Turn Left behind the house on your left
Turn Right behind the house on your right
Proceed down the lane with the playing field on your Left, to the car park
Please park with due care for those around you
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